As the second great practice of Living The Way of Knowledge, it is recommended that a Four Pillars Review Practice be included along with each REVIEW in STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE. In your Reviews, it is important to focus on the Four Pillars of your life. This is “checking in” so to speak while building the foundation that you need to build each day.

Each REVIEW in STEPS will consist of two parts. Review all the former lessons. Read through them, and if you have kept a journal, which is recommended, recall what happened to you on those days. See what has occurred. Begin to see where you were present and where you were not present. See how things influenced you, and how you influenced them. Begin to see these kinds of relationships in action.

Also as part of each REVIEW, check in on the Four Pillars of your life, remembering that each Pillar is equally important. Though one may require more effort or attention at any given moment, they are all equally important. Like the four legs of a table, each must be strong. None can be sacrificed for the others. You cannot build one to the neglect of all the others, or nothing great can be given to you and nothing great can be realized.

The Pillar of Relationship

Come then to the Pillar of Relationship in your REVIEW. Instead of practicing stillness, do this Four Pillars Review. Come to the first Pillar, the Pillar of Relationship, and ask within yourself, “Is there anything I need to know about any of my relationships?” Ask this question in such a way that only a “Yes” or a “No” can be an answer. If the answer is “No,” that is fine. Yet if the answer is “Yes,” seek out who that might be. Maybe it is the relationship that you need to attend to at this moment. Ask yourself, “Is there something I need to know here?” Then open yourself to receive what that could be. This may only take a moment, but you must be very present.

The Pillar of Career & Providership

Now go on to the Pillar of Career and providership, the pillar that deals with work, money and contribution in the world. Continue the same process: “Is there anything I need to know regarding my Career and Providership in the world?” If something comes to mind, ask yourself, “Is there something I need to know here?” Then open yourself to what that could be.

The Pillar of Health

Then go on to the Pillar of Health and ask yourself, “Is there anything that I need to know about my health or about the health of those who are close to me?” If something comes to mind, ask yourself, “Is there something I need to know here?” If there is, open yourself to it. Face it. Receive it.

The Pillar of Spiritual Development

Then go on to your Pillar of Spiritual Advancement and ask yourself, “Is there something I need to know regarding my spiritual advancement?” And as with all of the other pillars, if something comes to mind, ask yourself, “Is there something I need to know here?”

This process of visiting your Four Pillars represents your second practice for each Review. Take as long as is necessary to complete this process. You will be repeating this Four Pillars Review in each of your Review Practices in STEPS TO KNOWLEDGE. This will give you a focus in your life: to maintain an awareness in these four fundamental areas of activity. Here you begin to build, brick by brick, stone by stone, a foundation that the world cannot shake or undermine.

In addition, today, practice your hourly practices until they become automatic, until your mind becomes present in every situation that you are in. This is the goal towards which you are working every day.