Summary of Major Ideas:

Human actions are causing destructive impacts on the planet, and individual action and global cooperation are necessary to cool the planet and preserve life on this planet.

  • 00:00 We are facing unprecedented climate change that has the potential to alter and potentially destroy much of human civilization.
  • 01:05 Political and economic stability, energy availability, and technology won’t solve all problems, and hoping for a planetary fix from alien life can lead to dangerous assumptions and dependence. They seek to make us dependent upon their technology so they can control the human family.
  • 01:49 Human actions, not divine or governmental influence, are causing destructive impacts on the planet. This is occurring because our actions are not being guided by the innate spiritual intelligence that lives within us, called Knowledge.
  • 02:13 Individual action and global cooperation are necessary to cool the planet and preserve resources, restore ecosystems, and protect biodiversity.
  • 02:45 We must unite, cooperate, and tap into our creativity to find solutions to limit population growth and consumption, restore balance with nature, and prevent calamity for the human family.