Summary of Major Ideas:

We must prepare for global change and upheaval – individually we start this by facing our own unfinished business – following what we know, changing the small things that must be changed, and moving onto larger things once we are ready. The New Message contains a preparation and a pathway – Steps To Knowledge, in order to build the strength needed to navigate humanity’s emergence into the universe of intelligent life.

  • 00:00 We find peace once we stop trying to hide, seeking escape, seeking to be at peace all the time – we find peace from the journey we must take, the preparation we must undergo.
  • 00:30 The key thing here is to know what we must do – and do it. Starting with little things, and then taking on bigger things.
  • 01:40 Our calling is to prepare for global change and upheaval, and any delay is time wasted. The world is calling for our service, so time is important here.
  • 02:35 Do what you know to do and don’t take too much time to do it, and don’t take on grand things if you even can’t handle the little things first. Do not take too much time to do it, whatever it is.
  • 03:08 God’s first purpose is to unburden you – freeing you up and making you stronger. Stronger body, stronger mind, stronger will and determination. Greater courage and resilience. So there is a building phase.
  • 03:50 Don’t wait for everyone to agree – other people are asleep, and if you wait for them to agree – it will be too late. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.
  • 04:50 You cannot escape the global changes, so identify what you need to do now. And do it.