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"Silence is the experience of profound relationship, and stillness is the acceptance of profound love." [1]

A practice

"Even if your life were completely engaged appropriately, even if you were living The Way of Knowledge, even if every person in your life were meaningful to you and were a proponent of Knowledge within you and for you, you would still have to create an opening— this space in your life where nothing exists, where there is emptiness. It is this emptiness that allows you to be still, allows you to listen, allows you to look, allows you to really be with another person, to really experience a place and to enjoy the magnificence of nature. It is this space, this emptiness, this silence that allow you to discern the signs of the world and the movement of Knowledge within yourself."[2]

"There can be no competition for your attention now. Romance and relationship must wait. You must create space within your mind to listen, to look and to learn. You must slow your life down so that you can listen, look and learn."[3]


  1. Steps to Knowledge, Step 123
  2. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 5: The Deep Evaluation
  3. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 8: The Danger of Isolation

See Also


Inner listening


The wilderness experience