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"If your motivation is born of a deeper spiritual inclination, which we call Knowledge, then you will have an entirely different approach, and the results and the rewards will reflect this. If Knowledge is not the guiding principle in your motives, then you will not be able to bring about a spiritual transmission—you will not be able to activate Knowledge in another—and you will not be able to produce the beneficial results that will be truly lasting. Even your personal motivation to help others is born of your desire for self-gratification. Even your desire to serve people or to relieve suffering in others may be born of your desire to fulfill an aspect or an idea of yourself. This motivation is fundamentally selfish in nature. These personal motives will override the benefits that you are trying to achieve, and as a result, your giving will be fraught with uncertainty, fearfulness and restraint." [1]


  1. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Chapter 4: Serving Others